Year Programme: 2017
Date: | Issue: | Values: | FDC no: | Presentation Pack no: |
11 January | Polynesian Art (A. Pilioko) | 6 | 402 | 312 |
15 February | Flowers | 12 | 403 A/B | 313 A/B |
15 March | Birds | 12 | 404 A/B | 414 A/B |
17 May | Shells | 6 | 405 | 315 |
14 June | Fish | 12 | 406 A/B | 316 A/B |
12 July | Butterflies | 12 | 407 A/B | 317 A/B |
16 August | Mushrooms | 6 | 408 | 318 |
13 September | UPAEP – Tourist Places | 2 | 409 | 319 |
13 September | UPAEP – Tourist Places | ss | 409 A | 319 A |
11 October | Fruit | 6 | 410 | 320 |
15 November | Frogs | 6 | 411 | 321 |
06 December | Masks | 6 | 412 | 322 |
Additional issue released on 19th December, 2017 – 12 x ss – Nature fdc numbers 413 A to L, Presentation Pack Nos 323 A to L
11th January, 2017
Stamp size: | 26 x 36 mm | Image size: | 23 x 33 mm |
Perforations: | 13 3/4 x 14 | Format: | one sheet with two sets |
Printing: | four colours offset | Gumming: | synthetic |
Paper: | stamp paper without watermark | Theme: | Celebrating A. Pilioko |
Printer: | Oostenrijkse Statsdrukkerij | Designer: | Studio Labranda |

SRD: 3.00 | Allegorie | SRD: 4.00 | Drie katten | SRD: 5.00 | Geliefden op de markt |
SRD: 7.00 | Persoon met kat | SRD: 8.00 | Twee meisjes | SRD: 9.00 | Verstrengeld paar |
15th February, 2017
Stamp size: | 26 x 36 mm | Image size: | 23 x 33 mm |
Perforations: | 13 3/4 x 14 | Format: | one sheet with two sets |
Printing: | four colours offset | Gumming | synthetic |
Paper: | stamp paper without watermark | Theme: | flora |
Printer | Oostenrijkse Statsdrukkerij | Designer: | Studio Labranda |
SRD: 1.50 | Actaea rubra | SRD: 1.75 | Anemone Americana | SRD: 2.50 | Anemone canadensis |
SRD: 2.75 | Aguilegia canadensis | SRD: 3.50 | Aquilegia chrysantha | SRD: 3.75 | Aristolochia macrophylla |
SRD: 4.50 | Asarum canadense | SRD: 4.75 | Asarum caudatum | SRD: 5.50 | Clematis texensis |
SRD: 5.75 | Delphinium cardinale | SRD: 6.50 | Tagees spec. | SRD: 7.25 | Vancouveria hexandra |
15th March, 2017
Stamp size: | 36 x 26 mm | Image size: | 33 x 23 mm |
Perforations: | 13 3/4 x 14 | Format: | one sheet with two sets |
Printing: | four colours offset | Gumming: | synthetic |
Paper: | stamp paper without watermark | Theme: | Ornithology |
Printer: | Oostenrijkse Statsdrukkerij | Designer: | Studio Labranda |

SRD: 1.50 | Buteo albonotatus | SRD: 1.75 | Buteo brachyurous | SRD: 2.50 | Caracara cheriway |
SRD: 2.75 | Cathartes aura | SRD: 3.50 | Cathartes burrovianus | SRD: 3.75 | Coragyps atratus |
SRD: 4.50 | Crax fasciolata | SRD: 4.75 | Falco fermoralis | SRD: 5.50 | Geranoatetus melonoleucus |
SRD: 5.75 | Harpia harpyja | SRD: 6.50 | Ortalis canicollis | SRD: 7.25 | Penelope obscura |
17th May, 2017
Stamp size: | 26 x 36 mm | Image size: | 23 x 33 mm |
Perforations: | 13 3/4 x 14 | Format: | one sheet with two sets |
Printing: | four colours offset | Gumming: | synthetic |
Paper: | stamp paper without watermark | Theme: | Conchology |
Printer: | Oostenrijkse Statsdrukkerij | Designer: | Studio Labranda |

SRD: 2.00 | Aporrhais pespelicanis | SRD: 3.00 | Aporrhais seresianus | SRD: 4.00 | Babylonia areolata |
SRD: 6.00 | Babylonia papillaris | SRD: 7.00 | Conus gloriamaris | SRD: 8.00 | Strombus labiatus |
14th June, 2017
Stamp size: | 36 x 26 mm | Image size: | 33 x 23 mm |
Perforations: | 13 3/4 x 14 | Format: | one sheet with two sets |
Printing: | four colours offset | Gumming: | synthetic |
Paper: | stamp paper without watermark | Theme: | Ichthyology |
Printer: | Oostenrijkse Statsdrukkerij | Designer: | Studio Labranda |

SRD: 1.50 | Ameiurus brunneus | SRD: 1.75 | Ameiurus catus | SRD: 2.50 | Ameiurus melas |
SRD: 2.75 | Ameiurus serracanthus | SRD: 3.50 | Ictalurus punctatus | SRD: 3.75 | Noturus flavus |
SRD: 4.50 | Oncorhynchus mykiss | SRD: 4.75 | Pylodictis olivaris | SRD: 5.50 | Salvelinus fontinalis |
SRD: 5.75 | Salvelinus malma | SRD: 6.50 | Satan eurystomus | SRD: 7.25 | Thymallus arcticus |
12th July, 2017
Stamp size: | 36 x 26 mm | Image size: | 33 x 23 mm |
Perforations: | 13 3/4 x 14 | Format: | one sheet with two sets |
Printing: | four colours offset | Gumming: | synthetic |
Paper: | stamp paper without watermark | Theme: | Lepidoptera |
Printer: | Oostenrijkse Statsdrukkerij | Designer: | Studio Labranda |

SRD: 1.50 | Adelpha cocala | SRD: 1.75 | Anaea aidea | SRD: 2.50 | Chlosyne lacinia |
SRD: 2.75 | Colobura dirce | SRD: 3.50 | Danus eresimus | SRD: 3.75 | Doxocopa elis |
SRD: 4.50 | Dynamine artemisia glauce | SRD: 4.75 | Heliconius charitonius | SRD: 5.50 | Heliconius sara |
SRD: 5.75 | Papilio aristodemus ponceaus | SRD: 6.50 | Papilio astyalus | SRD: 7.25 | Papilio thoas |
16th August, 2017
Stamp size: | 36 x 26 mm | Image size: | 33 x 23 mm |
Perforations: | 13 3/4 x 14 | Format: | One sheet, two sets |
Printing: | four colours offset | Gumming: | synthetic |
Paper: | stamp paper without watermark | Theme: | Mycology |
Printer: | Oostenrijkse Statsdrukkerij | Designer: | Studio Labranda |
SRD 1.00 | Boletus erythropus | SRD 2.00 | Boletus luridus | SRD 3.00 | Boletus pinophilus |
SRD 4.00 | Boletus queletii | SRD 7.00 | Boletus reticulatus | SRD 8.00 | Tylopilis Felleus |
13th September, 2017
Stamp size: | 26 x 36 mm | Image size: | 23 x 33 mm |
Perforations | 13 3/4 x 14 | Format: | sheet with two stamps |
SS sheet size: | 104 x 48 mm | SS sheet format: | sheet with two stamps |
Printing: | four colours offset | Gumming: | synthetic |
Paper: | stamp paper without watermark | Theme: | places of interest |
Printer: | Oostenrijkse Statsdrukkerij | Designer: | Studio Labranda |
2v sheet | SRD 11.00 | Brownsberg natuurpark | SRD 17.00 | Fort Zeelandia |
ss | SRD 17.00 | Brokopondo | SRD 19.00 | Tafelberg |
11th October, 2017
Stamp size: | 26 x 36 mm | Image size: | 23 x 33 mm |
Perforations: | 13 3/4 x 14 | Format: | sheet with two 6v sets |
Printing: | four colours offset | Gumming: | synthetic |
Paper: | stamp paper without watermark | Theme: | fruit |
Printer | Oostenrijkse Statsdrukkerij | Designer: | Studio Labranda |
SRD 3.00 | Annona reticulata | SRD 5.00 | Citrus aurantifolia | SRD 6.00 | Cocos nucifera |
SRD 7.00 | Malpighia glabra | SRD 8.00 | Mammea americana | SRD 9.00 | Mangifera indica |
15th November, 2017
Stamp size: | 36 x 26 mm | Image size: | 33 x 23 mm |
Perforations: | 13 3/4 x 14 | Format: | 1 sheet with 6 stamps |
Printing: | four colours offset | Gumming: | synthetic |
Paper: | stamp paper without watermark | Theme: | Herpetology |
Printer: | Oostenrijkse Statsdrukkerij | Designer: | Studio Labranda |
SRD 3.00 | Cruziohyla | SRD 5.00 | Hyla geographica | SRD 6.00 | Litoria wollastoni |
SRD 7.00 | Megophrys nasuta | SRD 8.00 | Rana catesbeiana | SRD 9.00 | Rhacophorus pardalis |
6th December, 2017
Stamp size: | 26 x 36 mm | Image size: | 23 x 33 mm |
Perforations: | 13 3/4 x 14 | Format: | 6v (2 sets per sheet) |
Printing: | four colours offset | Gumming: | synthetic |
Paper: | stamp paper without watermark | Theme: | hand painted masks |
Printer: | Oostenrijkse Statsdrukkerij | Designer: | Studio Labranda |
SRD 4.00 | Panji pamecut | SRD 5.00 | Panji parang tejo | SRD 6.00 | Panji walang sumirang |
SRD 8.00 | Patih musing jiwo | SRD 9.00 | Patih suro dwi panggo | SRD 10.00 | Potrojoyo |
19th December, 2017
Stamp size: | 36 x 26 mm | Sheet size: | 72 x 52 mm |
Perforations: | 13 3/4 x 14 | Format: | 12 x souvenir sheets to make up full image |
Printing: | 4 colours offset | Gumming: | synthetic |
Paper: | Stamps paper without watermark | Theme: | fauna and flora |
Printer: | Oostenrijkse Statsdrukkerij | Designer: | Studio Labranda |
Top row: | Thamnophilus amazonicus | Morellia bredli | Lepidocolaptes angustirostris | Rana catesbeiana |
Middle row: | Selenidera culik | Choloroceryle Americana | Encyclia diurnal | Lxobrychus invalucris |
Bottom row: | Eulepte gastralis | Galago crassicaudatus | Brachymesia sp. | Tupaia minor |